2] Do not ask friends to contact the player who has muted you, this validates as harassment. A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. 2] If you already own more than one account, please notify Admin immediately, to have it deleted. 2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. Unique club system. Different types of tack have effects on a competition. 9] If your violations are of a serious nature (sexually explicit, severe filter avoidance, etc) your account may be permanently banned, without warning, before reaching 10 violations. 3] Players of ALL ages enjoy Horse Isle, so please do not comment if you come across children, moms, dads, grannies, teens, etc. 1] Asking for donations publically is a form of begging, and therefore considered against the rules. 5] If the player continues, please Personally Mute them immediately without further discussing anything with them, and file an Abuse Report. This is because an admin must do so by hand. 3] Failure to do so will result in action being taken. MrsForeCastle in Yellow Isle's Dockhouse tells you the meaning of the hieroglyphs used in the codes on the Obelisks for a meer $25,000. 3] If you choose to hold a contest and want to do so at a ranch, you may only hold a contest at your ranch. Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment. In 2010, the game had a player base of around 10,000 players.[4]. (Dictionary.com) 20+ unique communities located on different islands and climates. 3] It is extremely important that you understand the Terms of Service. : by sending you mail), engage in socials, etc. 3] An acceptable way to ask for help with riddles on Area chat would be "Please PM me if you can help with a riddle." 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things. At this time your account will not auto-delete. 2] Never try to purposefully get stuck. Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find and catch wild horses, quests given by NPCs, mining for valuable gems, and puzzles and riddles scattered around the world for players to complete. 1] If you use obscene or inappropriate language your post will be flagged, and the post will be blocked from the chat. Default Breeding: Same Parents: 100% Parent Offspring Different Parents: 25% mother, 25% father, 50% grade (build based on either parent) Color Selecting Code: Parent Base colors are combined via chart below, to result in 4 possible output base colors. Go to Pinnacle Isle observatory, talk with DrRefractor about the discoveries. Winning these events takes a combination of your horse's abilities, and your skill at the particular game. Buy your very own island. 1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." There may be other player sold items available at each one. 1] Please do NOT attempt to steal from others, this is strictly against the rules. The old, "if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't type.". 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. Do not respond to the player. 12] The art contest does not include usernames in order to remove bias. They have different colors, markings and sizes. var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; font-style: normal; forcibly removed. 1] You may ask for help with quests in any chat medium. Unfair Trades Banned 4] To have your account deleted so that you can start over, contact support@horseisle.com from the email address you used to create your account. 1] Please do not engage in an effort to argue another player - rather ignore the situation and continue with your conversation. Please see a professional in your area instead. Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! 6] If you acquire 10 violations or more, you may be given a temporary warning ban. (Do not edit/delete this!). Horse Isle 3: Infinite Wilds went live in August 2019, featuring several notable changes from the first two games: One notable difference between Horse Isle 3 and its older counterparts was the ability to access a large majority of the game without a subscription; in contrast to the previous two games, subscriptions only granted players useful, but relatively small perks, with much of the rest of the game accessible and playable without a subscription. Interacting with other players via chat, private chat, postal messages, actions, trading, competitive mini-games, and cooperative mini-games. 2] Please do NOT engage in bullying of ANY kind - this is strictly against the rules. Please use that. Some NPCs in the world gave players clues during the quests as to where and how to find the Esrohs, putting the onus on the players to put the clues together and discover them independently. "    " + 2] Admin run the site, and rarely have time to play. 3] Please do not include another language in any Profiles, including Horse and Player profiles, if another language is included in your profile, you will be notified and told to remove it, or it will be forcibly removed. Insecure Players 3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the . Under General Tab - Rename the Icon to "HI2-Eternal" or similar. 3] If someone is harassing you, please ask them kindly to stop, if they do not, immediately Personally Mute the player, and file an abuse report. Changing your Playername 4] If the player is still attempting to bully or harass you into selling it, please personally mute them immediately and file an abuse report. Boarding Too Crowded Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale She recommends you go see MrBones on on Golden Isle, in the dead center. Violence 1] Do NOT share your Horse Isle password! - We're all here to have fun =], Players A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. It will fill half of the Thirst bar. When a horse reaches 1,000 experience and a player 5,000 experience, the horse is able to be ridden bareback. Hi everyone! 3] If you witness any cheating, please file an abuse report. Once per hour, affection moves the following based upon mood:5 points up if mood is 10003 points up if mood is 800No change if mood is 5001 point down if mood is 4005 points down if mood is 0.etc. 9] If you feel you can not comply with the above please do Not role play on this game. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. Dry Island. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Beauty Contest. But sometimes you need a little help. Website logos or any text not in the dictionary is not allowed. 1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. 4] Players MAY ask for their classified ad or art to be reviewed via the helper system, however, please try buddies first. You can play Horse Isle for FREE! 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. Cheat Sites Take that time to go over the rules and be sure you understand them so you do not acquire more once your ban is up. 5] If you are told by a Moderator to end a discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. This includes, but is not limited to, trading between Horse Isle 1 and this game, paying a player to flute a horse for you, etc. 3] Admin will try and add new breeds, suggestions and updates periodically, do not be offended if your suggested breeds or ideas are not added immediately - the process takes a long time to complete. 3] If you are unable to find your answer there, you may ask a question using the Help System within the game by clicking on the HELP button. 3] Please do not argue if action has been taken for any violation. You cannot change a horse's basic personality, but there are ways you can minimize problems and enhance good traits. Head straight south from her house, then a little west, stopping just before the beach. If they advertise for this, it must be on the advertiser's ranch. 1] Please remember to take frequent breaks when playing on the internet or computer. Construction Plans. 5] Do NOT advertise other external (real life) items, things, places of any kind. 3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the game enjoyable for all. Remember to read the Main Rules page for easy reference. Failure to do so will result in both accounts being deleted and all of your items lost. 1] Scamming of any kind is strictly against the rules. Finding them better tack, or even finding your horse a nice pet! 3] If you are banned do not create a new account. 3] Since horses cannot be harmed any form of "rescue" group is not allowed. This is still a work in progress. If the horse has an injury, it will lose 2 points of health every hour it has that injury. 4] If you have another player Experience train your horse, it is highly advised to use the Experience Training Contract. Then care, train and feed your horses. Can you help me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????" Every 2 minutes whether online or off all of your horses move a point closer to 500. The artwork in the first two games is two-dimensional; in Horse Isle 3, the game is three-dimensional, allowing players to create avatars based on real-life appearances. If the player fails to catch it the first time, he/she must wait until either after the next person fails, or 2 minutes. A second currency, named "mobia", was introduced, which could be purchased through the website using real money, or from other players in-game, with a higher premium placed on in-game mobia purchases. Do Not directly Trade the horse to another player. To make it enjoyable for all, we do not allow players to harass others, use rude, obscene or obnoxious language, or in any way degrade the enjoyment of the game for others. 500+ Adventure Quests. It is also unnecessary to create a new thread to apologize for the previous thread. The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. Cheating also includes any attempt to manipulate the competition results beyond one's own performance. 7] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. 2] Please do NOT bully or harass another player into selling or returning a surrendered or previously sold horse back to you. As of October2020[update], the game had a player base of 3,458 players, many of which were players returning from Horse Isle 1 and Horse Isle 2, with some new players joining since its August 2019 launch. The game went live on 3 May 2007, after extensive beta-testing undertaken by the Durbins and volunteers. The Esroh's. Words Worth Cave. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 4] Please do NOT post the actual riddle in any public chat asking for answers, even though you intend that the answer is sent by Personal Message to you - most likely the answer will end up in the chat which you have posted the riddle in. 26/10/ 2011 TeenyWax's Missing Doll added to narrow isle 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. You might want to get a horse if you don't have one, here are a few tips: Suggestion: You should buy a horse from a ranch rather than a livery, because the prices are usually cheaper than 20,000. 1] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. Horse Isle 2 Help. 3] You should be aware of players attempting to scam by holding more than one Party - if you notice this please file an Abuse Report. 7] Assure that your topic, if you must share, is NOT inappropriate and is within the rules. 2] The content must comply with all game rules. Stuck Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. You can feed horses by collecting things like fruits, and going to the horses tab and choose "Feed", then select a food to give your horse. 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item. No two horses look or behave alike. Blue dahlia from leaf isle - Talk to GiddySmurl, who will tell you where Blue Dahlia's grow. Bullying Please feel free to contribute! 4] Calling for players to gather on a normal isle is not allowed since many players may need to be there to quest and don't want to go to the Dungeon. 3] No adult content is allowed. 1] We do not encourage story telling in any Public chat as it can sometimes be annoying to other players. Dozens of accurate and detailed breed renderings. 5] ALWAYS assure that all of your passwords are Alphanumerical (Numbers AND Letters) and are longer than 8 characters. Suggestions : "Hi I Would like a horse so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6] Do not create a new account unless the administration tells you that you are allowed to. 4] Being banned means you must stay off the game completely. Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take on the task of getting it all started. 1] The definition of harassment: "to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute." : "hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ". 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 6] Players who are not Moderators: Please do not attempt to correct other players who have broken a rule - this only singles out the player in question, this is a Moderator's job, and not at all expected of you. This is accessible if you go to their ranch, they do charge a fee, however. You can always adopt surrendered horses in the livery. (dictionary.com) 1] Please do NOT discuss other websites on Horse Isle, it is against the rules. url("//cdn2.editmysite.com/fonts/SQ_Market/sqmarket-medium.woff2") format("woff2"), Completing mini-games throughout the world for fun and game money. 3] Players may not give/sell an account to any other person, including friends or siblings. Many completely original soundtracks and game musics, professionally produced. In addition to the basic NPC quests, the game also featured an overarching goal of players finding and completing the quests given by twelve "Esrohs", each of which took considerable time and effort. Now if you found a wild horse, the more challenging step is to CATCH it. Weebly.footer.setupContainer('cdn2.editmysite.com', '1673987310'); (See also "Trading on a Promise") 1] There are five forums: Bugs, Community Help, Game, Horses, General. 5] We do Not allow players to advertise any form of role playing. We plan to offer player-created guides as well as providing a list of all of the Help Topics from the game. The Esroh's. Words Worth Cave. Once you have a horse, you can train it, take care of it, and compete with other players. Head south, past two Venus Flytraps, you'll see him above the third. 5] Don't share too many personal problems, this is a game and not a consultancy. Find and capture wild horses who wander the lands. NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you. A second server was added in 2012, comprising an additional option of breeding horses. Please file an abuse report to be sure that the Admins know of the behavior. 3] Do NOT share ANY other Websites. . 2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites, your efforts will be in vain. Then it will gain 10 points of health every hour. Stealing Completing mini-games throughout the world for fun and game money. 1] Anyone under 18 should have parental permission to play. 4] If you have been muted, please accept that you have broken a rule - please do not argue as to why you have been muted. e.g. 1] Cheat sites are 99% of the time incorrect, or fraudulent sites - logging onto these sites could mean trouble for yourself. Utilizes Flash 10 to play right in your web browser! Note that a horse's hunger, thirst and energy won't go down if you are off. Listen and do not engage in an effort to argue another player - rather ignore the situation and with... Or previously sold horse back to you be on the advertiser 's ranch Letters ) and longer. And compete with other players. [ 4 ] If the horse has injury... Chat, private chat, postal messages, actions, trading, competitive,. Topic, If you have a horse reaches 1,000 experience and a player 5,000 experience, the game west stopping. 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Waylon Tripp Parker, Articles H