Arthur finds out Merlin's secret in the worst possible way. Morgana later used an enchantment on Arthur's sword to make it ten times as heavy when he fought Derian in single combat in an attempt to have him killed (His Father's Son). It is set a year after Morgana went missing and sees her return. You're not alone. Gorlois was probably the person that Morgana felt closest to during her early childhood. However, Morgana continually remained ignorant to the fact that Merlin was in fact the Emrys foretold to be her doom (The Secret Sharer), still believing he was merely an unusually troublesome servant of Arthur's, although she discovered it through Mordred'sbetrayalof Arthur (The Drawing of the Dark). Across the castle, Morgause becomes aware of Morgana's plight and realises her sister is dying. He fought three battles, and finally a fourth at the fields of Camlann. She also sees the Dorocha, which she has unleashed upon the world. She then sees Emrys, or rather Merlin disguised as Dragoon the Great, running past her, much to her horror. He was the one that thwarted my plans, with the help of that annoying servant, Merlin." "Oh, don't worry, my sister, they will pay. When he died and I took you into my care, you fought me from the beginning. When she awakes, Morgana shares an intimate moment with Arthur, explaining how she escaped the bandits who were holding her captive. Morgana later begins to have dreams about Gwen becoming Queen of Camelot. Unbeknownst to anyone in the room, Arthur and Merlin are also present, witnessing the event through a grate in the wall. When she was "kidnapped" by the druids, however, Arthur mounted a rescue and brought her back safely to Camelot, although he did not realise this was not what she wanted (The Nightmare Begins). Earlier in life, as the Kings ward, Morgana displays a spirited, quick-witted and compassionate nature. Arthur and Morgana, in one of Camelot's feasts for Arthur's victory. 1 Does Arthur find out Morgana is his sister? When Merlin's village was under attack (The Moment of Truth), Morgana, Gwen and Arthur journeyed with him to defend it, and Merlin overheard her saying that they were there because they all cared for Merlin. Arthur, Merlin, Elyan, Lancelot, Gwaine, and Percival infiltrate Camelot, but Morgana's soldiers intercept them, and so while the knights fight, Merlin and Lancelot set out to find and tip over the Cup of Life. Morgana seems hopeful that Guinevere will remain loyal to her, and indeed Gwen replies that she has always been so, but Gwen then frees Sir Leon from the dungeons and Morgana's men follow them to Arthur. Being the only woman in the royal family, she would often sit beside Uther during state affairs and tournaments, seemingly filling the role which would have ordinarily been undertaken by the Queen of Camelot. As it is often with Morgana characters, she is losely based on Morgan le Fay from the legends of King Arthur. "Sister, Arthur has found out, surely he will tell Uther. Arthur himself was captured but Merlin saved him. Morgana and the revived as a shade Lancelot. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. We did, very genuinely, think of the episode as a love story between two men. Although Arthur undoubtedly loved and cared for Morgana, she recognised that his position would be one of severe conflict due to his inherited suspicion of magic and therefore could not seek his help. I don't want to be alone anymore. What if magic isn't something you choose? She often suffered from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability, initially largely revolving around Arthur Pendragon's death. and refuses to celebrate her victory with Agravaine, quickly brushing off any sentimentality to claim she will be unsatisfied until she seizes control of Camelot (The Wicked Day). Unable to find anyone to help her and having no one to turn to, she slowly envelopes herself in loneliness and depression, which fleetingly disappears at the company of creatures like Morgause, Alvarr and Mordred, who are like her. Uther Pendragon Ygraine Pendragon (ne de Bois) Arthur Pendragon Guinevere Pendragon Morgana Pendragon . Nonetheless, Morgana's unattested time on the throne is short lived since Helios informs her that the men she sent after Arthur were wiped out by Kilgharrah and that Agravaine is dead. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved I had to stop Morgana killing Uther. Gwen does so with the willing participation of Arthur and Merlin. Arthur and Merlin set out on a quest to save the king after Uther was fatally wounded. However, Arthur is saved due to circumstances unknown to Morgana (A Lesson in Vengeance). Even at her enemies, she shows acts of kindness, as shown when she ordered her men to burn Finna's corpse after her suicide. She also actively caused her father's death when she was informed that Arthur planned to use magic to save Uther by enchanting a necklace to reverse any healing spell and worsen the ailment tenfold. Morgana Pendragon That being said she did not agree with Uther's decisions. She ambushes Gwen and takes her to the Dark Tower with her. Morgana somehow reaches Nemeth, which has been conquered by Odin. The Druids, for example, referred to him as Emrys (The Beginning of the End). Morgana is terrified of the aging warlock as she knows him to be her doom. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When they later meet again, Morgana wakes him up and wants to know why Mordred betrayed her. Gwen flees, but alerts Helios and Morgana to her presence in doing so. What experience do you need to become a teacher? Merlin later discovers that Morgause made Morgana the vessel for the sleeping plague, unbeknownst to Morgana herself. You're wrong. In addition, despite the name Morgana he is actually male. However, this happens at the top of a stone staircase, causing Morgana to fall down the stairs as she flinches from the fire. She also acquired new and powerful spells, including magical explosions, which she uses to capture Alator (The Kindness of Strangers), or enchanting snakes which manage to defeat the Knights of the Round Table (The Dark Tower). It is the only magical weapon that can permanently kill them. I just want to be myself. It is because Morgana underestimate two things: Merlin himself and his relationship with Arthur. She assuaged the youths fears and made him keep it a secret on promises to restrain her treachery. Morgana therefore goes to summon Lancelot and molds his resurrected self, devoid of memory and his former sense of morality, for her malignant purposes. Gaius seemed very fond of Morgana, often calling her "my child" in a grandfatherly tone, but Gaius firmly maintained that Morgana was better off ignorant about her powers, often lying to her about the importance of her dreams and powers in hopes of protecting her from Uther's hatred of magic. Afterwards, Morgana visits Uther in the dungeons, mockingly calling him "father". She then returned to Gorre intent on further harm on Arthur. After Merlin pierces through her with Excalibur, Arthur fleetingly looks at her lifeless eyes, and very soon he leaves his last breath as well (The Diamond of the Day). show: merlin (bbc)my instagram: post more edits on there! Gaius former good opinion of Morgana was stripped away and he was highly suspicious of her when she returned. Morgana then asks Agravaine to help her find Emrys and kill him (The Darkest Hour). Morgana was Morgause's younger half-sister, though for many years she had no idea of her existence since Morgause was smuggled away as a baby and given to the Priestesses of the Old Religion. Morgana swears to avenge the death of her friend. Morgana arrives moments later and rushes to Morgause's side, cradling her just as Morgause did over a year before with her. (The wearer of the scabbard would lose no blood, thanks to its magic, no matter how seriously he was wounded.) When Nimue and Merlin meet in the fifth episode, she asks the wizard why her mother instructed her to bring him the sword. Morgan le Fay (/ m r n l f e /, meaning 'Morgan the Fairy'), alternatively known as Morgan[n]a, Morgain[a/e], Morg[a]ne, Morgant[e], Morge[i]n, and Morgue[in] among other names and spellings (Welsh: Morgn y Dylwythen Deg, Cornish: Morgen an Spyrys), is a powerful and ambiguous enchantress from the legend of King Arthur, in which most often she and he are siblings. Morgana, not seeing him, mistakes him for Gwen while getting ready for a feast celebrating twenty years since the end of The Great Purge. When Alvarr intended to ambush and kill the knights, Morgana was horrified and said he could not kill them all, commenting that he need only fight to escape, clearly worried about Arthur and the knights she knew to be good men. He then casts a spell and throws the Fomorroh into the fire, getting rid of it and its spawn once and for all. Behind the Scenes There, she uses mandrake roots to twist Guinevere's memories and make her believe that she is her only one true ally. when does arthur find out about morgana being evil BY December 8, 2020 She learns quickly of all the ways she has been lied to (turns out that she is actually Uther's illegitimate daughter, a secret kept to keep her from any claim to the throne), and as Morgause teaches her to use magic Morgana quickly uses it to plot the death of Uther and . Uther, evidently uncomfortable, does not do so, and Morgana interprets this as him being ashamed of her, thus cementing Morgana's decline into hatred for the Pendragon rule. according to french medieval stories, morgause tricked a very young arthur just after he won his first battle into sleeping with her and she had a son she named mordred who was arthur's bane (as he was raised to hate arthur and eventually destroyed arthur's round table and eventually at the battle of camlann, they killed each other or based on She joins Morgause in her regicidal ambitions and eventually operates alone in trying to kill Arthur. Despite their close friendship, Morgana never confided in Gwen about magic, instead turning to Merlin. Morgana is first seen by Merlin during his first days in Camelot when he enters her chambers. Other spellings of the name Morgana include Morgaina, Morgainah, Morganah, Morgance, Morganetta, Morganette, Morganica, Morganna, Morgayna, Morgaynah, and Morganda. Three years later, after her imprisonment, Morgana's resentment for Guinevere stealing her throne grows even more. Morgana continued to be afraid and suspicious of Emrys, still having failed to identify him, and she panicked when she caught sight of him after she conquered Camelot, clearly fearful of further attack. When she learns that Arthur is coming to ambush her, although shocked at first, she orders Ruadan to prepare for battle. Morgana leaves her abbey to help the fey in their resistance just before Sister Iris ( Emily Coates) burns it to the ground a decision that saves her life, but leaves her plagued with guilt. Knight!Merlin, Of-Noble-Blood!Merlin, Magical!Arthur. (Season 3) Stage 4: The Innermost Cave: The hero faces a great trial. Alator knocks Morgana unconscious just when she is about to kill Merlin, and protects Merlin's health and identity, leaving Morgana to regain consciousness alone, while Gwaine's arrival has pushed Agravaine into safely returning Gaius to Camelot (The Secret Sharer). She enters as he talks to a captured Mithian and Rodor, and makes a deal with him: he will help her conquer Camelot, and she will help him kill the man he wants most: Arthur Pendragon. After the death of Sir Hemison, she kept Lancelot imprisoned in her castle and tried to get him to share a bed with her. Morgana eventually agrees and steals the crystal, delivering it to Alvarr's camp. In order to save her sister, Morgause agrees to call off the attack in return for Merlin revealing what he has used to poison her saying she can use this information to save her sister, and she then disappears with Morgana (The Fires of Idirsholas). By the time she returned to Camelot, all of Morgana's previous affections had been transferred solely to Morgause and she was completely loyal to her. I am your one true friend. Although after mastering her magical powers, Morgana rarely chose to fight with a sword, instead defeating her opponents magically, Morgana remained just as good with a sword, as she could effortlessly defeat several knights to escape the castle when her powers were blocked by Merlin, only suffering an injury upon being caught by surprise and she still struck the guard down with a single blow despite being stabbed in the side. Arthur mistakenly believes that Morgana and Merlin have romantic feelings for each other (The Nightmare Begins). Uther is fatally stabbed, and in the ensuing days, a desperate Arthur even resorts to seeking magical intervention to heal his father. She is born and raised a noble woman. Morgana is first seen by Merlin during his first days in Camelot when he enters her chambers. She has him bound and kept in her hut in the woods, questioning his loyalty to Arthur while tending to his wounds. Hunith reached up to tilt his head forward and kiss his brow the way she had done when he was a small child. The full extent of Morgana's powers was displayed after she learnt about Emrys' true identity. After Merlin poisons her and almost causes her death, Morgause takes her with her to cure her, and Morgana spends over a year with Morgause. The hag explains to Morgana that with the enchanted coin Morgause gave her, she will be able to summon a shade from the dead and bend it to her will. Morgana showed deep reluctance and sorrow when Morgause insisted she use her as a blood sacrifice to tear the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead. Morgana brings the plans to Helios, failing to realise she has just walked past Gwen, who was captured by Helios raiding party. She showed very powerful magic when she was able to swiftly defeat four Knights of Camelot, killing two of them. Merlin, therefore, forces Arthur to flee Camelot by enchanting him to ensure his compliance, and so by the time Morgana herself reaches the last stronghold of the Knights of Camelot, Arthur has already disappeared leaving Gaius and Gwaine behind. He made me who I am. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. As she is about to finish him off, Mordred stabs her in the back, and Morgana painfully looks at the friend who betrayed her, before losing consciousness. Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is a staple figure of the Arthurian legend. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Despite this, Morgana did not kill him instantly when he was at her mercy after being captured by mercenaries, instead using him as a pawn in her wider plans (A Servant of Two Masters). As they are about to strike him down, an unknown force causes the cave to crumble, and Morgana is knocked unconscious by Merlin's Magic, although it is currently unknown if she saw him (Another's Sorrow). She then kills Tauren, the assassin, just before he strikes Uther down and Merlin kills the other sorcerers involved (To Kill the King). Morgana showed none of her former respect and affection for Gaius and was happy to firstly torture him to extract information, then later leave him deteriorating in a cell without sufficient food. Good morning, my lady. What happened to Barbie's sister Skipper? You can't blame me for my father's sins.". Morgana follows them and herself arrives in North Valley, California, over a decade years later with two of her Black Knights, seeking the missing magic sword Excalibur she needs to rule the world and that only Arthur can get and give her. Morgana, evidently hurt from Mordred's betrayal. As Arthur left, Morgana notices a nervous Merlin at the door and calls him inside, telling him she knows he poisoned her, and in response, he swears he did not want to, to which she smiles faintly and informs him she understands why he does it. When Morgana received visions of a future where Gwen was Queen of Camelot, she was incensed that Gwen would one day rob her of her birthright, so she subtly revealed Gwen and Arthur's courtship to Uther and framed Gwen for enchanting Arthur in order to stop this future from happening. Though she suspected his having a hand in many of her foiled plans, she first met him face to face when she caught him going through her possessions. Gender: Also during this time, Gwen begins to suspect Morgana after she sees her with Morgause, to the point that she spies on Morgana and sees her using magic, finally discovering Morgana's betrayal (The Eye of the Phoenix). (Season 2) Stage 3: The Road of Trials: The hero is given supernatural aid, endures tests of strength, resourcefulness, and endurance. Alator successfully learns from him that Emrys is actually Merlin, but instead of informing Morgana immediately, he betrays her, having discovered from Gaius that Merlin is the one destined to bring a glorious new age to the kingdom. Her darker characteristics are largely the product of external influences while her truer nature was portrayed as one of immense compassion. Morgana seemed finally victorious over Gwen by resurrecting Sir Lancelot and using him to come between Arthur and Guinevere, which led to the latter's exile. It does not store any personal data. When she is spotted by a sentry returning to the castle after meeting Morgause, Morgana stabs the guard in cold blood and then creeps inside to place the mandrake root under Uther's bed. Arthur then blames Dragoon the Great for his father's death while shifting to a deeply suspicious, anti-magical stance, believing that his risk in giving magic a chance is a grave mistake. She plots to have him killed and takes an active role in the performance of the intended murder. Cover art by Phoebe594. However, she has been grievously wounded in the process and ends up staggering through the forests alone, collapsing as she goes. Morgana spends the next few days unconscious, though while comatose she hears Uther reveal a shocking secret: while Gorlois was away fighting, he had an affair with her mother, and Morgana is a result of this. When Merlin found out about the mandrake root and removed it, Morgana tried to place another one under his bed in order to keep Uther suffering but was interrupted by Gaius. While he was distracted by his war against Sir Lancelot, King Arthur's son/nephew Mordred usurped the throne. Patience and I are old friends. Guinevere, however, put an end to the romance. We will never know, because Merlin's biggest fear, that he fights so hard against is the prophecy that Mordred would kill Arthur. My LadyCamelot's Favourite DaughterLady MorganaKing's WardThe Witch (by Kilgharrah)High Priestess of The Triple Goddess (by Alator)HildaThe Last High PriestessSister (by Morgause)Queen of Camelot (briefly) These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Morgana's initial agreement was solely for Mordred's sake, as she wanted Alvarr to get the boy out of Camelot before they were caught, and when she delivered the crystal to their camp Mordred ran to embrace her. When Agravaine, who has taken charge of the kingdom in Arthur's absence, tells Morgana about Gwen speaking out against him, Morgana tells him of the dream she had of Gwen becoming queen and plans to kill her to prevent the vision from coming true. Recognising him as Emrys and at first terrified, she quickly retreats and shuts the door, but then warily re-enters, questioning his existence. Set after 4x08 with the premise that Lamia incited the knights to greater violence than we saw on the show, and Merlin suffers from Post-Traumatic-Stress. (Season 1) Stage 2: Initiation: The hero crosses a threshold into a new, more dangerous world, gaining a more mature perspective. Then, for reasons unknown, Aithusa the white dragon appears and heals the injured Morgana, thus reviving her. The Widow is a harbinger of death. Curiously, for reasons unknown, Morgana never exposed Merlin for poisoning her, though she probably could have him executed on the spot for it. Additionally, Morgana's plan of crushing Camelot through the Dorocha is thwarted by Sir Lancelot, who sacrifices himself to heal the rift in the veil once more. Morgana then smiles and leaves the king. Uther suspected her involvement, emotionally warning that whoever was responsible had betrayed him, but Morgana stayed defiant. Though Agravaine had warned Morgana she could not trust Helios, Helios did not show any signs of intending to betray Morgana and continued to ensure her well-being. When Helios reported that Kilgharrah had killed all of Agravaine's men, Morgana asked about his well being and when she learnt of his death, she was clearly shaken, whether because she was mourning his death, or because she was simply afraid for herself (The Sword in the Stone). According to Morgan, this unnamed knights death would make it possible for her to kill King Arthur and her husband, King Uriens. Do Arthur and Morgana have the same mother? Morgana, holding her advantage, casts a powerful stunning spell on Gwen when she tries to run. Morgana later becomes deeply attached to Mordred, a young druid boy whose life Merlin saved, risking Uther's wrath should their actions be discovered (The Beginning of the End). After Merlin sacrifices his own safety to protect Arthur, he is kidnapped and brought to Morgana. She described it as seeing "nothing but darkness" (Arthur's Bane:Part One). Morgana is thrown back and knocked unconscious for a few moments, and upon waking she sees the Cailleach, who confirms that her powers are great but warns her that Emrys will be her destiny and her doom, without telling her that he is in fact, Merlin. Gaius, however, foiled her plan by saving Gwen. However, Merlin attempted to distance himself from her after her attempt on Uther's life, but ultimately ended up becoming closer to her when she was confused by her manifesting powers. So once that was settled on the easiest thing to do was to just swap the genders, and so bam, female King Arthur is born. Morgana is therefore poisoned by a reluctant Merlin, who on Kilgharrah's advice sees it as his only option, and as Arthur fights Morgause's knights Morgana begins to suffocate as the hemlock enters her system, falling unconscious after realising that Merlin has poisoned her. Morgana meets with Mordred many years later, after she has become a High Priestess of the Old Religion. The time she spent with Aithusa made her more vulnerable and at times she shows her softer side to the young creature. Morgana subsequently orders that messengers be sent to King Lot to offer a reward for capturing Arthur. After this, she gathers her forces at Camlann, where she reunites with Mordred. Morgan is usually portrayed as a wicked enchantress who learned her initial mysterious skills from her corrupt education in an early Christian nunnery. She gets two liquids and gives them to Gwen, who successfully manages to poison Arthur with them and frame Merlin for the crime. Morgana does not want to go back, but an army of Camelot soldiers raid the camp and bring her back. "Now," she pulled away, "Come see your feast!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the table, the smile firm on his face as she pointed out all the different foods that Morgana and Arthur had commissioned for him, Morgana coming around the table to kiss his cheek, aware that Arthur was standing there, and to offer him his present. Merlin advises her to seek out the Druids for help and advice, and Morgana eventually finds her way to a Druid camp where she is reunited with Mordred. The following year, Morgana was ever more suspicious, paranoid and hostile. Morgana swears to Mordred that Arthur will pay. Morgana's subsequent screams of fury bring the walls of the throne room crumbling down around them, forcing Merlin, Gaius and Lancelot to flee. She claims that for two long years she's only known darkness and that she and patience are "old friends", when Ruadan tells her to be patient. Enter Merlin who makes Arthur want to find out who he is. AN- This is my first serious writing attempt, I hope you all like it. After Morgause disappeared with Morgana, Arthur demonstrated his devotion to her by spending a year searching for her, feeling that he had failed to protect her. When necessary, she also displays her courage and ability as a fighter, always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right. Sometime later, Morgana finds a letter from Morgause, asking her to meet her. Enemies: As soon as he heard this the king gathered his army and sailed back to Britain. When Agravaine opens the siege tunnels beneath the city, a small detachment of her army passes through into the lower town which soon falls to her forces. Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is a staple figure of the Arthurian legend. When Uther's soldiers killed Gwen's father, Tom, Morgana was enraged on her behalf to the extent where she participated in a plot to kill the King, but later changed her mind. In the same episode, she was almost killed by a group of Serkets. Though it was done reluctantly, his choice was ultimately one that severely alienated the already conflicted Morgana, who may well have drunk the hemlock on her own to save Arthur, whom she loved deeply, had Merlin simply explained all.
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